What does it all mean?
What’s it all about?
What’s going to happen to the Church?
What’s going to happen to my family and I?
Will we (the Church) go through the tribulation?
These are some of the questions that have buzzed through my mind from time to time. Fortunately for us the Bible has the answer to all our questions. The Holy Spirit reveals all things to us and reminds us of what the scriptures say. But we do need to know the Bible for ourselves, please read and study as often as you can!
Ok so what is the purpose and function of the Holy Spirit in the Rapture?
Let’s start off with one of my favourite passages of scripture from the Old Testament and scripture that I regularly pray into being and scripture that we all know so well:
This passage of scripture was also quoted by the Apostle Peter at Pentecost in Acts 2:17-21.
I also believe that God will pour out his Spirit like this in the last days to prepare His Church for the rapture, when those that belong to Him and that are still alive here upon earth will be taken up into the clouds as Jesus comes with a loud trumpet blast. Come, Lord Jesus! Come! Preparing us for the rapture is one of most important functions of the Holy Spirit in the ‘End Times’.
Now is the time (today) for the Church to stand up in faith and fully embrace the Holy Spirit in all his fullness. It is time for each and every believer to immerse himself in the power of the Holy Spirit. It is time for each and every believer to eagerly desire the gifts of the Spirit especially the gift of prophecy so that we can build up and edify each other to do the works that God has predestined us to do. Now is the time for the fruit of the Spirit to be manifest in us and through us to a dying world!
It is time for each and every believer to walk in the Spirit every minute of every day and allow him to take complete control of our lives so that the gifts of the Spirit and the fruit of the Spirit will be manifest in us and through us at all times.
It is time for healings and the casting out of demons, miracles, signs and wonders, to follow us everywhere we go! It is time for the Church to rise up in the power of the Holy Spirit and win the lost to salvation in Christ Jesus – IT IS TIME FOR THE LAST AND GREATEST HOLY SPIRIT REVIVAL so that the Church will be cleansed and ready for the coming of the Lord, whether He comes now, next week, next year or in the next 100 years. This will only be done through Spirit filled believers moving in His power and His strength! This will glorify the name of Jesus!
Now is the time for the army of God to be mobilised and to put on the full armour of God and ward off the attack of the enemy in these turbulent times!
It is time for the Church to be ready and waiting for the trumpet blast and the coming of the Lord in the sky at any time.
Church! Keep your lamps burning and never let them go out! It is time for all born again believers to keep on being filled with the Holy Spirit and live in a state of permanent revival.
Let’s take heed of the mystery that Paul tells us about in 1 Corinthians and be ready for the final trumpet blast of the Lord:
The Holy Spirit is called the Comforter by Jesus and the Greek word for comforter is ‘paraklétos’ and has the expanded meaning of counsellor, helper, encourager and advocate. This expanded meaning of the Holy Spirit along with the many spiritual names he has in the Bible like, power of God, fire of God, creative power etcetera, builds for us a picture of strength and comfort that every believer must tap into every day, let alone in the last days.
We can do all things in Christ Jesus who strengthens us. How does he strengthen us? By the power of his Holy Spirit of course, that is why the Lord sent the Comforter to us. We can all tap into the full power of God in Christ Jesus and all we have to do is appropriate it in belief and walk in faith as Abraham did, as Paul did and as Jesus himself did!
It was the Holy Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead and it is the Holy Spirit that will do the same for his followers at the Lord’s Rapture for those who have fallen asleep. Paul wrote about this in the book of Romans.
Prophecies of the Rapture from the New Testament
In John 14 we see Jesus talking to the disciples just be before he is arrested, and he is telling them that he has to go away to prepare a place for them in the Father’s house – which to me speaks of heaven as that is where God dwells. The Lord then goes on to say to the disciples that because he is preparing a place for them in heaven it stands to reason that he will come back to fetch them – this to me speaks of the Rapture. What do you think?
Now it appears that the disciples seemed to have some trouble in understanding what the Lord meant as Thomas in verse 5 says, “Lord we don’t know where you are going so how can we get there?”
Jesus’ response to Thomas and the disciples is that they know that the only way to the Father is through him.
This response still doesn’t seem to clear things up for the disciples as Philip asks, in verse 8, the Lord to show them the Father.
Now this statement from Philip seems to exasperate the Lord just a little bit as he says in verse 9 words to this effect, “Philip, I’ve been with you for all this time and you still don’t know me?” He then goes on to tell them the things that he has told them many times before over the past three years. But strangely enough he doesn’t explain any further about the place he is preparing for them and coming back for them to take them there!
One other thing of significance that he does say though in verse 26 is that the Holy Spirit, when the Father sends him to them, will teach them many things and that he will remind them of everything he (Jesus) has taught them and everything he has said to them.
It is not until a few years after the Lord’s ascension into heaven that we get a fuller picture of what the Rapture will entail. We get this enlightenment through the Apostle Paul in his first letter to the Thessalonian Church.
Let’s have a look at the scripture in 1 Thessalonians 4 again, shall we?
So, in the above verses Paul gives us a pretty clear picture of what will happen when the Lord comes for his Church, most commonly known as the Rapture. Let’s put the happenings down in bullet point form:
- The dead in Christ shall rise first, including Jesus’ twelve disciples.
- Then the Church, the ones that are alive on earth at the time, will be taken to meet the Lord in the air.
- He also tells us to encourage one another with these words.
Now there are different schools of thought about the Rapture brought about by many learned Bible Scholars over the centuries, right through to today. There are different answers put forward to the questions:
- Does the Rapture and the second coming of Jesus take place at the same time?
- Will born again believers that are alive at the time have to go through the Tribulation or will they be Raptured before?
- Will the Rapture take place before the Tribulation, halfway through or at the end?
Personally, from my understanding of scripture, I believe the rapture will take place before the tribulation. Why on earth would our Heavenly Father want His children to suffer through the tribulation! The tribulation is a judgement of God for those who have not accepted Jesus as their Lord and Saviour at the point of the Church’s rapture.
What I want to encourage my readers to do is to live life in the Spirit as Paul encourages us to do in Romans 8 and be ready right now to be Raptured.
Are you ready? Are you walking in the Spirit? Are you living your life on the path that the Father has predestined for you right now? Are you ready for the Rapture?
Heavenly Father
I pray that you will fill me with your Holy Spirit and keep on filling me. I pray that in the power of your Holy Spirit that you would help me to walk on the path that is your will for my life. I pray that you would show me and help me to do the works that you have predestined me to do before I was born. Help me, O Lord, to live life in the Spirit always that I may bring glory to your name, the name of Jesus. Bless me. O Lord, that I may be a blessing to others. Amen.